
Uploading to Aspera Server

The CatDV Worker can be used to upload media to an Aspera Server  site.

In order to  do this Aspera Connect needs to be installed to provide the command interface to interact with the Aspera Server,  this can be downloaded from the Aspera Website here .

In this workflow we shall use the worker to publish media to an Aspera Server.

Set a Server Query to watch for Aspera upload instructions

On the trigger tab of a new worker action, set a Server Query to look for a user field being updated. In this example we are looking for a user field called “Aspera_Upload” being changed to “Upload_file”. This user field has been previously created as a Grouping field with “Upload_file” as a value.

Aspera upload eg

Tell the worker to publish the original media to the Aspera Server site

Use execute command 2 on the Conversions tab to call our Aspera Upload Batch file  command line:

c:\bats\Catdv_asperaUP.bat $i

Where c:\bats\Catdv_asperaUP.bat is the path to our Aspera Upload batch script ( or shell script on a Mac ) and $i is a worker variable for the  Full path of the input file (after preprocessing) (eg. “E:\Media\Original\file1.mov”)

Please see the bottom section of this document for a full version of the script.