
Automating Backups: Windows

The  following Scripts are  supplied to  illustrate how  it is  possible to automate  the  backup  of CatDV  preferences and MySQL database  they  are  free to  use and  modify  but  are   provided  with  no further  support or  development.

As with any backup strategy there is no substitute for regular testing that backups are stored and can be recovered correctly. Disaster recovery tests are strongly recommended.

Knowledge of scripting will be needed to adapt these scripts to suit a specific environment or business needs

Each script creates a folder on the User desktop called CatdvBackups with the sub folders

serverprefs clientprefs workerprefs Database

It then copies and   date stamps the various files into the corresponding subfolder

there   are  comments in  each script  to   help  indicate  what  each  section  does and  suggestions  on   where  modifications can  be  made

 It is possible  to automate  these  scripts to  run to  a schedule  using   task scheduling features within  the host operating system,  below  are links indicating how to  do this

Using Task scheduler in pc environments   http://www.7tutorials.com/how-create-task-basic-task-wizard

 Windows Batch script

copy and  paste  the  text between the ####### sections into a text file and save it as catdv_backup.bat on the desktop  right click  file and  select  run as administrator to run

alternatively  download the file here and rename the extension to .bat   CatDVBackup.txt


REM Batch File to back up key CatDV preferences files @echo off REM turns of echo of script lines comment out with REM to see full outputREM — Prepare the Command Processor — SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM — Set the window title — SET “title=Batch File to back up key CatDV preferences files” TITLE %title% REM — Set the paths and folder names — REM to change the name of the backup folder Type the name below in place of CatdvBackups ( no more than 30 characters alphanumeric with no white space)(this will be automatically substituted throughout the rest of the script) SET _Bfolder=CatdvBackups REM to modify the location of your backup folder change the path by replacing the string %HOMEPATH%\Desktop\ with the preferred path (this will be automatically substituted throughout the rest of the script) SET _Bpath=%HOMEPATH%\Desktop\ SET _MYSQLpath=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 REM echo the output folder ECHO %_Bpath%\%_Bfolder% REM — Create Directories at backup target — REM change folder to Backup path cd %_Bpath% REM make a folder named by the variable %_Bfolder% MD %_Bfolder% CD %_Bfolder% REM change folder to %_Bfolder% and then make sub folders MD serverprefs MD clientprefs MD workerprefs MD Database REM — Copy the files and date + timestamp the backups — @echo on REM copy server prefs and rename with date and timestamp copy “c:\Program files\Square Box\CatDV Server\catdv.properties” “%_Bpath%\%_Bfolder%\serverprefs\” ren “%_Bpath%\%_Bfolder%\serverprefs\catdv.properties” “catdv-%date:~0,2%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~6,4%-%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.properties” REM copy client prefs and rename with date and timestamp copy “%HOMEPATH%\catdv.prefs” %_Bpath%\%_Bfolder%\clientprefs\ ren “%_Bpath%\%_Bfolder%\clientprefs\catdv.prefs” “catdv-%date:~0,2%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~6,4%-%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.prefs” REM copy worker prefs and workset file rename with date and timestamp copy “%LOCALAPPDATA%\Square Box\worker.xml” %_Bpath%\%_Bfolder%\workerprefs\ ren “%_Bpath%\%_Bfolder%\workerprefs\worker.xml” “worker-%date:~0,2%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~6,4%-%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.xml” copy “%LOCALAPPDATA%\Square Box\workset.xml” %_Bpath%\%_Bfolder%\workerprefs\ ren “%_Bpath%\%_Bfolder%\workerprefs\workset.xml” “workset-%date:~0,2%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~6,4%-%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.xml” REM –run repair clean and optimize DB   and then backup catdv server database– REM auto repair DB “%_MYSQLpath%\bin\mysqlcheck.exe” -u catdvadmin -pcatdv catdv –auto-repair REM check DB for errors “%_MYSQLpath%\bin\mysqlcheck.exe” -u catdvadmin -pcatdv catdv -c REM optimise DB “%_MYSQLpath%\bin\mysqlcheck.exe” -u catdvadmin -pcatdv catdv -o cd %_Bpath%\%_Bfolder%\Database REM export DB and rename with date and timestamp “%_MYSQLpath%\bin\mysqldump.exe” -u catdvadmin -pcatdv catdv > CatDV_DB_backup-%date:~0,2%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~6,4%-%time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.sql REM — End of application — ECHO.&ECHO.Press any key to end the application.&PAUSE>NUL&GOTO:EOF
