
Working with EDIUS PRO 7

CatDV integrates with EDIUS Pro 7 from Grass Valley. CatDV can export sequences and clips can be dragged directly to the EDIUS source bin.

There are two mechanisms to bring footage from CatDV into EDIUS Pro 7:

Working with Sequences / Shot Lists

A sequence can be exported from CatDV by selecting File/Export As/Final Cut pro 7 XML.

Screenshot 2014-02-07 17.29.20

Within EDIUS you can then select File Import project , select FCP 7 XML and the sequence from CatDV is loaded onto the Edius time line. All media will relink to the original media location.

Screenshot 2014-02-07 17.27.25

Screenshot 2014-02-07 17.28.04

Working with Source clips

It is also possible to drag source clips straight from CatDV to EDIUS source bin with the media relinking.

For example: Use CatDV to log and view your clips. Select the clips to send and drag them to the EDIUS source bin.