
Sony ODA Archive & Retrieve

CatDV fully supports the Sony ODA Archive system.

If you have the  CatDV Archive Option you can use the standalone ODA Units (ODS-D55U, ODS-D77U) to manage your Archive and Restore workflow.

The Sony ODA plugin allows CatDV to archive and restore files to Sony ODA Library hardware and the stand alone ODA Units

The Sony ODA plugin is qualified to work with the following Optical Disk Archive Devices

Sony ODS-D55U

Sony ODS-D77U

Sony ODS-L10

Sony ODS-L30

 Using the Sony ODA Plugin

 Archiving clips

Make sure you are logged into the CatDV server

Select the clips to Archive.

Select the Tools Menu  Archive to ODA


 Select the correct tape to archive to. At this point you can select to purge the original media. This will keep a proxy if one has already been created, only the original source media will be deleted all the clip information and metadata will stored in the CatDV database.

 archive options tape

The archive information will then be sent to the ODA unit each file will be given a job number – this can be traced with the Sony File manager software.

 job number

 Once the archive process is complete the Archive details within CatDV are updated

 archive details

 The Archive Details Panel keeps a track of the ODA disk  number and confirms that the media is written.

In this example the original movie was set to purge on completion.

single red slash indicates that the file is offline and has been archived.  A red cross indicates the file is offline and not archived

archived slash

The Sony File Manager also keeps track of the clips location and ODA details these are stored in the Sony File Manager database on the windows ODA server.

Restoring Clips

Select the clips to restore, check the files have previously been archived and select from the Tools menu Retrieve from ODA

retrieve use 2

CatDV will ask for the correct tape to be inserted if not already loaded into the machine or available from the library.

The files will then be restored to the location and relinked within CatDV automatically. The archive details are updated confirming the file has been restored.

 Configure Cartridge

Select from the Tools Menu Configure Cartridge

This allows you to access the cartridge configuration menu. Here you can Finalize or Format the ODA cartridge . You can also rename the ODA cartridge if required. The capacity and amount of free space available on the ODA cartridge is displayed.

cofigure cartridge 1

 configure cartridge 2

 View Cartridges Info

This displays a read only list of Information for the ODA cartridge loaded into the library. Select the relevant ODA Media from the drop down Menu Choose Cartridge

 cartridge info

 View Drive Info

The option will display a read only status view of the ODS hardware and current status

ods status

View Job Status

Returns a list of jobs active on the server . Here you can view current job that are being processed, Cancelled and failed jobs.

job status


 ODA  options not available in the Tools Menu.

The ODA menu commands are only available once you are logged into the Server. If the commands are still not available or greyed out after logging in restart the CatDV Server from the Server Control Panel.