
Before you start

To use this BackBlaze archiving plugin you need:

CatDV Server 10.1.2 or later

CatDV Pegasus or Enterprise Client 14.1 or later

CatDV Plugin license 'ARCBB' (Rest API license with multiple sessions)

To trigger BackBlaze file transfers from the Worker you need:

BackBlaze Worker Plugin 2.4, included in this installation as BackBlazeWorker.catdv

In addition, to run the archive service standalone (outside the server):

CatDV Service Control Panel 2.0.0 or later

New Installation

IMPORTANT: If you don't already have a BackBlaze account or you don't know the access keys see BackBlaze Configuration for further details.

Copy the whole directory extracted from this zip to the plugins directory:

e.g. on Unix systems: /usr/local/catdvServer/plugins

e.g. on Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Box\CatDV Server\plugins

Set server properties for the plugin:

Open 'Server Config' from the control panel

Enter required properties into the CatDV Server tab, 'Other' field. See Plugin server properties.

Restart the CatDV server from the control panel

Open the CatDV client (or log the client back in to the server)

Configure one or more service accounts (see Managing Service Accounts). The first account will always be the default account, used to verify that BackBlaze is available and used as a fallback when necessary. See Manage service command for information on the details and settings for a service account:

In the client, run Tools->Manage BackBlaze Archive Service

On the accounts tab enter the service account details. Mandatory details are flagged with an asterisk. Note that once a service account has been used to archive a clip, it will no longer be possible to update its identifier.

Click 'Add'.

Configure service settings (See Manage service command)

Optionally configure archiving, processing and UI settings for the plugin via the corresponding tabs on Tools->Manage BackBlaze Archive Service.

Set up Media Store Service Path Mappings to automatically map drives/folders to archive locations. If you plan to always use a single service account and a single bucket, you may skip this step and use default location mapping. However, it is still recommended to use this approach if you don’t want the file ‘paths’ on BackBlaze to include the path of the storage volume.

If Running archive service standalone, then configure and start the archive service via the service control panel.

Verify the service setup: In the client, run Tools->Manage BackBlaze Archive Service again. The service status should be 'Running (online)'. The status may be 'Running (offline)' if BackBlaze is not currently accessible.

IF the Worker IS NOT being installed

Delete BackBlazeWorker.catdv from the BackBlaze plugin directory (see first step)

IF the Worker IS being installed:

Move BackBlazeWorker.catdv FROM the BackBlaze plugin directory installed in first step TO the worker plugins directory:

e.g. on a Mac: /Library/Application Support/Square Box/Extensions e.g. on Windows: %ProgramData%\Square Box\Extensions e.g. on Linux: /usr/local/catdvWorker/extensions

If the worker is running, re-connect to the server (Edit Config / CatDV Server / Reconnect) so that the archive plugin fields are available.

Verify that the BackBlaze worker actions are available. It may be necessary to quit and re-open the worker to pick up the new worker actions.

Upgrade Installation

Make a note of the current plugin version from this document (or see latest version in Release Notes)

If running the archive service standalone, use the service control panel to stop the service.

Stop the CatDV server from the control panel

Copy the whole directory extracted from this zip to the plugins directory:

e.g. on unix systems: /usr/local/catdvServer/plugins

e.g. on Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Box\CatDV Server\plugins

Remove or move the directory / files for the prior plugin from the plugins directory.

Carry out any 'Upgrade' instructions for each plugin version listed in the Release Notes above the last installed version, working back from the oldest applicable version

Start the CatDV server from the control panel

Read through the 'Changes' for each plugin version listed in the Release Notes above the last installed version, and go to Tools->Manage BackBlaze Archive Service to verify that the details / settings for each account and the archiving / processing / UI settings for the plugin are correct for this installation. See Manage service command for more details.

If Running archive service standalone, then update and start the archive service via the service control panel.

Open the CatDV client (or log the client back in to the server)

Verify the service setup: In the client, run Tools->Manage BackBlaze Archive Service again. The service status should be 'Running (online)'. The status may be 'Running (offline)' if BackBlaze is not currently accessible.

Update (or delete) the BackBlaze worker plugin by following the instructions from the last step for a new installation. If there is an older BackBlaze worker plugin file in the extensions directory with a versioned name, delete it.

Plugin server properties

When running the archive service "InPlugin", the following server properties must be set:

catdv.backblaze_archive.licence_code = <generated licence code for plugin>

When running the archive service standalone, the properties for the archive service must include:

catdv.backblaze_archive.licence_code = <generated licence code for plugin>

catdv.rest_api.host = <CatDV server hostname>

catdv.rest_api.port = <CatDV API port>

catdv.rest_api.user = <CatDV API user>

catdv.rest_api.password = <CatDV API user password> (** exclude if blank, for dev)

Typical rest API values for a development machine would be (password property omitted for a blank password):

catdv.rest_api.host = localhost

catdv.rest_api.port = 8080

catdv.rest_api.user = administrator

In addition, the following optional property may be set to turn on debug logging on both the server and standalone service:

catdv.backblaze_archive.debug = true

Running archive service standalone

By default, the service that handles archive jobs runs inside the plugin. The following is required to run the plugin's archive service on a separate machine from the CatDV server:

CatDV Service Control Panel 1.3.1 or later

To configure and start the standalone archive service using the service control panel:

Open the Manage service command in the client / web plugin UI

Verify that at least one service account has been configured

In the Processing tab, set the ‘Service mode’ to ‘standalone’ and click ‘Save’

Re-open the Manage Service Command and verify that the service is ‘Stopped’. If not, restart the CatDV server.

Install the CatDV Service Control Panel

Replace the Java ‘cacerts’ certificates file in the service control panel JVM with the one from the server JVM

· Replace: <CatDV Service Home>/jre/lib/security/cacerts

· With: <CatDV Server Home>/jre/lib/security/cacerts

Open the CatDV Service Control Panel

Click 'Service Config' to open the service configuration

Fill in license details on the Licensing tab

Optionally, fill in details of a REST endpoint on the REST Service tab

Fill in server connection details on the Server Connection tab (connection can be checked on the control panel)

Enter required service properties on the Other Settings tab. See Plugin server properties above. (**Note the server connection details are duplicated here for now, pending a plugin update to remove them)

On the Installation tab, note the install location ('Server Install Path')

On the file system, navigate to the install location and copy the plugin files into the plugins sub-directory.

Click 'Start' to start the archive service.

To update the standalone archive service:

The service should have been stopped via the Service Control Panel 'Stop' prior to stopping the CatDV Server.

Open the CatDV Service Control Panel

Add / edit service properties on the Other Settings tab if applicable.

Go to the install location (see Installation tab) and replace the plugin files in the plugins sub-directory with those for the latest version of the plugin.

Click 'Start' to start the archive service.

BackBlaze Configuration

In order to use the plugin, a BackBlaze account is required. If you need to set up a BackBlaze account for testing purposes, got to https://www.backblaze.com/b2/sign-up.html to create an account with 10GB free.

For details of pricing see: https://help.backblaze.com/hc/en-us/articles/217667478-Understanding-B2-Pricing-Structure

Once you are logged into a BackBlaze account, the 'My Account' link will take you to the BackBlaze console: https://secure.backblaze.com/b2_buckets.htm

In order for the plugin to copy to / move to / restore from your BackBlaze account, you will need to enable B2, set up an application key and create at least one bucket.

To enable B2 cloud storage:

To enable B2 on an existing BackBlaze account, first login to the BackBlaze account with the registered email address and password.

Once logged in, select the 'My Settings' link from the left side navigation.

At the bottom of the 'My Settings' page B2 can be enabled under the 'Enabled Products' section.

To get a new application key:

From the 'My Account' page (https://secure.backblaze.com/b2_buckets.htm), click ‘App Keys’

Click 'Add a New Application Key', enter the appropriate details and click 'Create New Key'.

Use 'Copy to Clipboard' to copy the application key and store it safely as it will only be displayed once

To create a bucket:

Go to the 'My Account' page (https://secure.backblaze.com/b2_buckets.htm)

Click the link 'Create a bucket'

Enter the bucket name, choose private or public and click 'Create a Bucket'.

Files in a private bucket can only by accessed via the console or using the application key.

Files in a public bucket can be downloaded by anyone, but the downloads will be charged against your account.

Note bucket names must be globally unique across all B2 cloud storage accounts.

The values required to configure the service in the BackBlaze plugin are:

Account ID - account id from a BackBlaze account

Application key - application key from a BackBlaze account

Default bucket - name of an accessible bucket on BackBlaze which can be used to verify the connection, used as the default bucket the first time a user attempts to copy / move files to BackBlaze

Media Store Service Path Mappings

Media Stores should be used to automatically map file storage to archive locations by adding a service path to each media store. The service path determines the service account, container and (optional) folder path for the archived files. Service accounts are set up via the Manage Service screen (see Managing Service Accounts) and are given an identifier when they are created.

For BackBlaze a service path has the format:




For example, if a Media Store were set up with the following two entries:



Then a clip located at:


Would be archived:

using the credentials from the 'squarebox-test' account

into the bucket 'video-test'

with a path of '/dance/greatest-show/this-is-me'

Each Media Store is intended to represent a distinct segment of physical storage so, to avoid ambiguity, no path should be present in multiple media stores and paths should not overlap (e.g. there should not co-exist media stores for /Volumes/dance-videos/drafts and /Volumes/dance-videos/drafts/special).

To avoid any clash or overwrite of files with the same path and name from different drives, make sure they are mapped to either distinct buckets or distinct folders within the same bucket.

The 'folder path' can be set or overridden on archive if 'location' is set as an allowed override. See Manage Service Command (UI TAB).

Restore path mapping

If a restore location is not writable when a restore job is run, the plugin will use Media Stores to attempt to find an alternative writable restore location. If there is a Media Store with a path matching the restore location, the plugin will check whether any of the other paths in that Media Store are writable and substitute the root directory of the restore location accordingly.

The restore location can be overridden when a restore job is scheduled, if the option to override it is turned on. In earlier versions of the plugin, in this case no file hierarchy was preserved – all files were written directly to the specified directory. Now the plugin will use Media Stores to try and preserve file hierarchy for restored files. If any Media Store path is found that matches the default restore location, it will be used to substitute the root directory of the default restore location with the override.

Note that if many files are restored together to an overridden location, some files may have hierarchy preserved and some may not, depending on whether matching Media Store paths are found.

Using the plugin

The plugin comprises various commands that are available from the Tools menu in the client.

File transfers are initiated by the schedule copy / move / restore commands but are carried out by a separate process. This means that the client does not automatically reflect updates to a clip on completion of a transfer. Use 'Server->Refresh Window' in the client to pick up any changes during / after transfer.

The plugin includes the following commands:



Manage BackBlaze Archive Service

View full status details of the archive service and manage the service account(s) required to access the B2 storage. Service account details include account id, application key and default bucket name. If a connection to BackBlaze cannot be made an error is displayed and the values are not saved.

View BackBlaze Archive Service Job Queue

Lists jobs, which can be filtered by status (Recent, Pending, Complete, Failed, All). It provides the capability to view job contents, view job results and cancel waiting or queued jobs.

IMPORTANT: The number of jobs displayed in this queue is limited to the ‘Max no jobs to display’ configured on the UI tab of manage service. To see all jobs, use the web admin job queue.

View BackBlaze Jobs for Clip(s)

[*beta] Provides similar functionality to the job queue but displays all jobs / jobs of a given status for the selected clip(s) only, including clip members where applicable. For folder type clips (folder / playlist / version set / multicam) this incorporates all clips & members in the hierarchy.

Schedule copy to BackBlaze

Adds a copy job for each clip selected (if multiple clips reference the same source media only one job is created). Copy jobs can be scheduled when the archive service is not running or is offline but will only be run when the archive service is online (running and BackBlaze is accessible). When the copy job is run, the source media associated with the clip is copied from the file system to BackBlaze and the original file is preserved.

Schedule move to BackBlaze

As copy but on successful transfer of the file to storage the job attempts to delete the original file. If for some reason the deletion fails, this does not affect the job status (or archive status of the clip) but "Purge failed" is recorded in the job data.

Schedule restore from BackBlaze

Adds a restore job for each clip selected (if multiple clips reference the same source media only one job is created). Restores can be scheduled when the archive service is not running or is offline but will only be run when the archive service is online (running and BackBlaze is accessible). When the restore job is run, the source media associated with the clip is copied from BackBlaze to the file system.

Purge files archived to BackBlaze

Deletes the source media associated with the selected clips if they have been successfully archived.

Recover BackBlaze archive data

Attempts to recover the archive data for the selected clip(s) so that they can subsequently be restored and/or purged. If the archive key is missing, the same approach as copy / move is used to determine the location of the file on BackBlaze, including media store mappings and overrides where applicable. The location is used to try and locate the file on BackBlaze.

If a clip has the ‘Last archived parameters’ filled in then it will be skipped unless it has a non-complete archive status, in which case the last archived parameters will be re-instated. Otherwise:

A combination of the source media level archive status (if present), last complete archive job (if present) and archive key are then used to recover as much of the archive data as possible.

Managing Service Accounts

The accounts tab on Tools->Manage BackBlaze Archive Service provides facilities to manage the service account(s) used to connect to BackBlaze archives. A single account is usually sufficient to operate the plugin. However, if required, there is an add-on which enables multiple accounts to be set up for security purposes etc. This is enabled as an add-on via a special server config property.

When there are multiple accounts, the account used may be determined automatically via Media Store Service Path Mappings or selected by the user on archive / restore if allow override of Account ID is turned on (see Manage Service Command UI tab).

An account which is in use, i.e. has been used to archive files, must be unlocked before it can be updated or deleted. This is to ensure that accidental changes cannot be made to an account such that files can no longer be restored. Note it is not possible to change the account identifier on an in-use account.

IMPORTANT: Account updates should be a rare occurrence. If the plugin service is running in the server these may be picked up without a server restart but, depending on which values were updated, this may cause some existing jobs to fail. If the plugin service is running standalone, the service must be re-started in order to pick up the account changes.

The accounts tab provides the following operations:




Clears the current selection / details so that only default values are filled in.

Set Default

Updates the default account to the current selected account.


Creates a new account with the specified details.


Unlocks an in-use account in preparation for update / delete.


Updates the selected account with the specified details.

If an account is in use, it must be unlocked before it can be updated. Please take care when updating an account which is in use, as changing some settings could break the restore of files archived with that account. For example, if the account key is switched to one which does not have the same access or if any encryption settings are changed.

Note it is not possible to change the account identifier on an in-use account.


Deletes the selected account.

Please take care when deleting an account which is in use, as it will no longer be possible to restore any clips arched with that account. This feature is intended for removing test accounts and any applicable clips should be deleted or restored and re-archived.

Manage service command

The following can be configured from Tools->Manage BackBlaze Archive Service in the web or desktop UI for the plugin:

ACCOUNTS TAB / DETAILS (for an account):



Account Identifier

Identifying name for this service account. This may contain only alpha-numerics and hyphens. Note it is not possible to change the account identifier on an in-use account.

Account ID

Account ID for connecting to this service account

Application Key

Application key for connecting to this service account.

Default Bucket Name

The bucket that will be used as the archive fallback for this account by default. This is not applicable when a media store service mapping applies. Otherwise, if the UI tab settings allow the user to override the bucket then this will only be used as the default the first time the user does an archive. Subsequent archives by the same user will default to the last value they entered.

Concurrent Request Count

The number of parts (of a multi-part upload) that the BackBlaze SDK will attempt to upload simultaneously. The default value is 10. Increase this value in order to upload a single large file quickly.


Location mapping

Note that this is mainly for legacy purposes as the preferred approach is now to use Media Store Service Path Mappings.

Fallback method for generating the archive file location on BackBlaze if no media store service mapping applies. The default is 'mirror'. Valid values are:

mirror: The archive location always mirrors the source file path which means a file is replaced each time it is archived. Use media store mappings to cater for files with the same path on different file systems.

batchMirror: The file(s) selected for archive are batched together in a date and time stamped directory (format /yyyy-mm-dd/hh:mm:ss.mmm) and mirror their source file path(s) within the batch directory. This has the effect of versioning uploads to BackBlaze as a new copy is written for each transfer.

mediaStoreRelative: Generates relative file paths from the relevant media store(s). If no matching media store path is found, the archive location is generated using the 'mirror' approach.

mediaStoreAbsolute: As 'mediaStoreRelative' but also prepends the path with the name of the media store.

Exclude archived files from archive

Skip files that have already been archived when scheduling jobs to copy / move to archive, unless they currently have a copy / move failed status. Default is “yes” for new installs.

Note, if the file(s) were previously copied, an attempt to move the file will simply be skipped, it will not purge the file. When this option is turned on, use the purge operation to purge files which have already been copied.

This option can be temporarily disabled if it is necessary to resubmit files for some reason.

Exclude existing files from restore

Skip files that already exist when scheduling restore jobs. Default is “yes” for new installs.

Purge directories

Determines whether or not empty directories are deleted when purging (or moving) files.


Service mode

NB Always ensure that the standalone service is NOT running prior to changing this value.

Determines whether the job processing service runs in-server (as a thread in the CatDV Server) or standalone (via the Service Control Panel). The initial/default value is in-server.

When this value is switched, the plugin will attempt to start or stop the in-server service as appropriate. If this does not appear to have been successful, as reported on the Overview tab, then it will be necessary to restart the CatDV server to apply the change.

Concurrent job limit

Determines the number of transfers that the archive service will attempt to run concurrently. The default value is 4.

Number Delayed retries

The number of times a waiting job is retried at an interval which increases exponentially. The default value is 10, which is equivalent to roughly 34 hours elapsed running time of the archive service.

Maximum retry delay (time period in milliseconds)

Limits the maximum time period between retries of waiting jobs. The default value is blank.

Loop delay (time period in milliseconds)

Determines the frequency with which the archive service checks the Job queue and attempts to run outstanding Jobs. Defaults to 30s.

Retry running job delay (time period in milliseconds)

Determines the time period after which a Job which is running will be restarted if it has not been updated during that period. Defaults to 1h.


Restrict command access

Restricts the specified plugin commands to sys admin users. Can hide:

· 'config' commands only (i.e. Manage Service)

· ‘config / archive’ (i.e. to restrict copy and move to archive but not restore and purge)

· ‘config / archive / purge’ (i.e. to restrict copy, move and purge but not restore)

· ‘all (excl queue)’

· 'all' commands

NB a server restart is required to ensure that this change is picked up under all circumstances. Default is ‘none’.

Max no jobs to display

The maximum number of jobs which will be listed in the job queue. This overrides days_to_display. The default value is 1000.

Allow overrides

Enables the facility for users to override one or more parameters at the point of archive or restore.

**Any duration can be set in h (hours), m (minutes), s (seconds) or any combination in that order, e.g. 2h, 2h 30m, 5m, 1m 30s, 1s.

Archive details pane

The plugin automatically creates a panel entitled "BackBlaze Archive" containing the clip metadata which describes it's BackBlaze archive state, including:




Type of service responsible for file transfer


Name of service responsible for file transfer


Archive status


Location file will be (if job pending) or was last restored to


Location of file in storage


Date (timestamp) of latest change in archive status


Date last archived


Date last restored


The number of times the clip has been successfully archived


Identifier of file in storage


Identifies the batch of files with which the clip was archived


Identifier of current / latest archive job


n/a for BackBlaze (related to bulk archives)


ID of user initiating current / latest transfer


Record of all archive activity in jsonFormat


Record of all archive activity


Indicates whether or not file has been purged by plugin (reset on restore)


Details of purge failure


Identifier of the BackBlaze Storage Account in CatDV


Name of bucket to transfer file to / from

Known Issues

Restore jobs don't give progress updates. This is a limitation of the B2 Java SDK.

A network outage causes the archive service to block for 2 minutes. This is a limitation of the B2 Java SDK;

License Code

IMPORTANT: You may install and use this software only in accordance with the terms of the CatDV Server 8 license agreement.

Square Box Systems Ltd.

September 2023

Release notes

2.4p1 (2023-09-08)

- Fix for archiving files from a mapped media path - Fix to exclude service paths when looking for a writable path for restore

- Amend the mechanism to get the next job to process to try and prevent an infinite loop for clips with corrupt archive data. NB jobs for such clips will be consistently skipped and need to be cancelled. The only indication of this will be info entries in the logs (it isn’t necessary for plugin debug to be on to see these).

2.4 (2023-02-28)


- Check requirements in ‘Before you start’

- Check whether CatDV server DB has an index on jobID on the jobResult table. Add this index if it is missing.

- Worker archiving plugin to 2.4 (in release)


- Add support for nested folder clips (folder / playlist / version-set / multicam)

- Add support for lightweight clips (image sequence lite and lightweight directory clips)

- Add ‘Recover BackBlaze Archive Data’ plugin command (UI and worker)

- New (beta) command “View … Jobs for Clip(s)”, to aid monitoring folder / lightweight clips and for troubleshooting.

- Remove days to display limitation and UI config option for job queue. Limit by max jobs only.

- Add option to restrict access to plugin commands for all but the job queue

- Allow a clip with a failed archive status to be purged - if a re-archive failed, a size/date mismatch will trigger that error

- Add skipped / queue failed job history entry when transfer fails to queue

- Minimise duplicate failure entries in archive history

- Remove stalled job delay / stalled indicator on running jobs

- Prevent move job failing if file is not found for purge, which can occur on job retry after a DB connection failure

- Fix file transfer progress updates so limited to 4 per second when multiple threads are transferring parts

- Fix outstanding job errors to include the archive status text from the outstanding job, rather than the clip.

- Fix for restore issue where filename contains a comma followed by a space

- Fix for NumberFormatException parsing clip JSON from server containing proxyOffset

- Fix job stuck in running state due to server failure between allocating job to service and updating job to running state

- Dump threads when a job stalls or times out, for troubleshooting purposes

- Modify thread syncing for job processing to improve performance and attempt to resolve a thread sync issue that intermittently causes jobs to be re-run after completion.

- Enhancement to utility script (catdvfixarchivestatus.sql) to selectively update status of queued / running / waiting jobs

- Utility script (catdvreducejobresults.sql) that can be used to clear out intermediate job results

- Utility script (catdvdeleteallplugindata.sql) that can be used to clear out all plugin related data, e.g. to reset an installation set up with the wrong workflow

2.2.9 (2021-05-24)


- server to 9.3.3


- Add ‘No to all’ option for purge clip confirmation

- Fix for plugin license expiration causing ballooning logs

- Modify handling of waiting jobs to limit the resources they consume, including throttling re-queue of waiting jobs.

2.2.8 (2021-01-16)


- If using worker, update worker plugin to 2.2.8 (included with this plugin)

- If there is any script in place which relies on the value of the cross-plugin source media ‘archiveStatus’ field (e.g. for archive status traffic light indicators), ensure it is updated to reflect that ‘Archived’ may now be either ‘Archived’ or ‘Purged’.


- Fix BackBlaze plugin issue with adding new accounts due to change in error message from B2

- Add service config option to ‘Exclude archived files from archive’, now the default for new installs. Where files are not expected to change, this ensures there is no duplication of archive time / cost if files are picked up repeatedly.

- Add ‘purged’ flag to archive parameters

- Update generation of clip level archive status to include a ‘purged’ state

- Improve consistency of error reporting between server and worker plugins

- In worker plugin, return success if file(s) have a pending job of the same type, to reduce errors from picking up duplicate files

2.2.7p1 (2020-06-29)


- Server to 8.0.7p3 or later OR 9.0.1p14 or later


- Fix for conflicting clip edits in worker archive plugin actions, following meta-clip status update

- Fix to try and ensure that duplicate clips are excluded from restores, based on media path rather than file path

2.2.7 (2020-05-29)


- If using worker, update Archiware worker plugin to 2.2.2 (included with this plugin)

- If running service standalone, update CatDV Service Control Panel to 1.3.1


- Update summary archive status on meta-clips when meta-clip member archive status changes

- Additional manage service option to restrict access to purge command along with archive commands

- Add option to exclude existing files from restore jobs

- Fix for purge of restored file where mapped media path has changed since file was archived

- Fix default html format for json history field, to resolve issue of archive pane flipping / redrawing

- Fix for issue restoring files ingested with non-windows paths on Windows.

- Fix purge of empty complex media folders from bulk jobs

- Ignore trailing slashes in media store paths

- Fix worker plugin commands so that they don’t update the allowed overrides settings for the service to all be enabled

2.2.6 (2020-03-11)


- Now require CatDV Server 8.0.4 or later and CatDV Pegasus 13.0.5 or later (for transfer progress notifications)

- If running service standalone, update CatDV Service Control Panel to 1.3

- If required, update worker plugin to 2.2.1

- If required, need to set an undocumented config property to enable multiple accounts, as it is an add on product

- backup the service table from the DB if it contains multiple rows

- run catdvbackblazeplugin2.2.6.sql against the CatDV DB to update the service UID to the new combined value

**Note that if there are multiple service rows with ‘serviceType’ BackBlaze, in which case only the one most recently updated should be in use, this script will update the UID on the service with the most recent lastModifiedDate and delete the other(s).

- The plugin will automatically migrate the connection details from the service definition currently in use (whether in server or standalone) to be the initial 'default' service account. There is a ONE TIME opportunity to customise the identifier of this account by setting the following configuration parameter in the server BEFORE re-starting for the first time after the upgrade, as the identifier of an account which is 'in use' cannot be changed (NB - The specified account identifier may contain only alphanumerics and hyphens):

catdv.backblaze_archive.migration_account_identifier = <my-account-identifier>

**NB It is recommended to at least set this to ‘master’, as the 1.x versions were limited to the master application key, whereas 2.x can use other keys, including those restricted to specific bucket(s). Customers are therefore likely to want to make a new account the default.

With a single account and no media store service mappings, the plugin will continue to operate as before, using the default account and configured location mapping for all archives. With multiple accounts and corresponding media store service mappings, any clips for which no service mapping is found will fall back to use the configured location mapping, as before.

- The plugin will automatically migrate any optional config values from the server properties to the service definition and they should subsequently be edited using the web or desktop Manage Service UI. You should be able to confirm that these have been set appropriately by going into the UI and comparing the values to the ones in the server and/or service panel config.

**NB Only server property values previously read and loaded into the DB by the 1.x plugin will be preserved. If properties need to be changed as part of the migration these must be applied in the UI afterwards.

**NB For a standalone service, any additional properties set only in the service config may need to be set manually in the UI.

- After this migration, all optional service config properties should be deleted from the config for the server and (if applicable) service control panel. The following properties are not optional and should not be removed if present:



- In the BackBlaze panel, ensure "BackBlaze Archive History" (identifier squarebox.catdv.archive.BackBlaze.history) is below the new "BackBlaze Archive History (json)" (identifier squarebox.catdv.archive.BackBlaze.historyjson). Ensure these fields are the last two in the panel as the json history field displays as a table.


- Upgrade to BackBlaze API V2 / Java SDK 3.1.0, which enables multiple application keys. (Changed method to validate bucket, as cannot list buckets with a restricted key) - Rename BackBlaze "Account ID" to "Application Key ID" in plugin user interface

- Add support for multiple archive accounts

- Enhancements to manage service command, enabling most configuration to be done via the UI

- Support for automatic mapping from clips to archive locations, via Media Store service mappings which include a service identifier, account identifier, container name and (optional) 'folder' e.g. backblaze://squarebox-test-2/vcvideotest/dance

- Implement restore path mapping

- significant update to plugin initialisation to prevent it blocking the server thread on start-up and simplify switching between in-server or standalone service for job processing. The same UID is now used for in-server and standalone services and the service mode is switched via a UI service config option, rather than system property.

- Add ability to restrict access to (config and) archive but allow restore

- Send job progress notifications, using new notification system (requires server >= 7.4.2 to make use of them)

- Include file size in job data / job queue list

- Support multi-select for cancelling jobs from queue

- Run another job (if available) immediately after completion / failure of a running job

- Add json version of archive history to clip archive metadata

- Update service fields / panel creation to include all fields in field group but exclude some from the panel

- Modify generation of clip level archive status to incorporate both current and pending status e.g. 'Archived [Copy running] to ..." etc

- Use queued archive job notifications to expedite processing of newly queued archive jobs

- Send archive job status notifications for all applicable changes in archive job status

- Restore by default to current media file path from clip, rather than from last archived parameters, so that target restore location can be updated when e.g. media paths are updated with a different volume name (*merged from 1.5.0p2)

- Change default location mapping for new installs to ‘mirror’, as batching needs to be phased out with media store mapping

- On job queue ensure job details/results fields are cleared when job table empties due to refresh or cancel

- Fix to prevent job exceeding maxRetries

1.5.0p2 (2019-07-29)

Upgrade - run catdvarchiveplugins1.5.sql against the CatDV DB to fix the field type for archive date fields - If the 'catdv.backblaze_archive.allow_override' server property is explicitly set to include 'location:Location:archive', modify it to archiveLocation:Location:archive' Changes - Restore by default to current media file path from clip, rather than from last archived parameters, so that target restore location can be updated when e.g. media paths are updated with a different volume name - Fix NPE on cancel job, when associated clip is not found - Changes to purge (apply to move to archive as well as direct purge): clear date last restored, log 'File purged' to clip archive params history, add option of "Yes to all" confirmation for purging multiple altered files. - Fix blocking mechanism for ensuring that multiple processes cannot update a job's status simultaneously - Prevent spurious 'Network outage'/NPE error when no restore directory can be extracted from the restore location - Display 'Retry' for status of unsuccessful job results if the job is being / will be retried - Fix NPE listing jobs if user doesn't have permission to access selected clip - Improve performance of Job Queue command for large lists of jobs - Fix to cause job creation to fail if no source media are updated with the archive details for the job - Fix for issue of jobs stuck in running / stalled state - Trim trailing path separators from archive / restore location overrides - Fix to ensure plugin calls server rest API as /catdv/api/... instead of /api/... to prevent failed calls due to redirection of POST requests in some environments - Add plugin command that can be triggered via the rest API to generate clip data for a file archived outside CatDV - Add config param 'catdv.backblaze_archive.max_retry_delay' to limit the delay period between retries of waiting jobs. - Add config param 'catdv.backblaze_archive.purge_directories' to turn off purging of directories when moving / purging files. - Update README to cover installing and updating the archive worker plugin, now included as part of the plugin installation. - Add option to restore files to a specified location / directory (can be enabled as an override for restore)

1.4.9 (2018-09-14)

- Fix for error message on cancel job contains NullPointerException

- Fix for issue which causes a new FieldGroup for an archive plugin to be created each time the server is restarted

- Improve the error reporting when attempting to archive offline files

1.4.8betap4 (2018-07-25)

- Fixed bug causing purge commands to fail from the web UI

1.4.8betap3 (2018-07-11)

- Fix build / jar files


- Fix location override for archives triggered from worker

- Record archive failure in clip archive status if clip has never been archived


- Integrate with ServicePlugin framework

- Manage service command: preserve new connection details even if they are not valid / updated, to ease entry

- Manage service command: obfuscate the application key value

1.4.6p1 (2018-05-29)

- Minimize class C BackBlaze transactions

1.4.6 (2018-05-09)

- Additional location mapping option to determine location on archive from Media Store paths, includes mediaStoreRelative and mediaStoreAbsolute.

- Fix to ensure that location on archive does not contain '\' separators, regardless of location mapping in use

- Fix for NPE when clip has media file but no metadata (introduced by fix in 1.4.5)

1.4.5 (2018-05-03)

- Fix for rest.NotFoundException scheduling jobs: change method for checking job exists, to avoid server incompatibility

1.4.5beta (2018-04-5)

- Changed verify BackBlaze connection to use downloadByName with invalid bucket/file name, to reduce api calls/cost.

- Update rest API wrapper to use version 7 of the API rather than version 5

- Move packages in order to split out re-usable plugin SDK classes

- Fix to prevent NPE - on archiving / restoring, skip clips that have no source media (i.e. sequences)

- Fix for location override in WorkerBackupCommand


- Initial beta version (2018-03-29)

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